Community Discussion
- Be respectful of other users, especially on the talk pages and blog spots. When debating theories, please express your opinion considerately, and while it is alright to voice your distaste for game characters, never act rudely to another member of this wiki.
- There are a variety of theories about Until Dawn and its characters. It is perfectly fine to disagree with other users, but never mock or act condescending towards others who share theories different from yours or ask questions you believe to be obvious.
- Please give users a chance to explain their viewpoints. If you are offended by a comment, contact one of the administrators instead of attacking their character.
- If you are having an issue with another user, either attempt to resolve the issue on your own or contact an administrator.
- Do not insult other users. Doing so will be considered harassment.
- Use your judgment on the language you use. Racial slurs and derogatory slang that refers to groups of people are not permitted on this wiki. Use of vulgar language is not permitted in the talk pages.
Editing Rules
- The format for character pages under the Until Dawn heading consists of a Biography and Involvement subheading, with Chapter subheadings under the Involvement section for each chapter the character is in. Please do not attempt to change this format.
- Please use proper grammar and sentence structures, and follow American English.
- Do not be subjective while writing pages, and don't enter your opinion onto them.
- Do not revert contributions by administrators. Contact them on their message wall if you disagree with an edit and provide reasons why.
- Please do not add duplicates of already existing photos.
- Please do not replace existing photos by uploading a file under the same name, but upload another file.
- The infobox pictures are picked by administrators. Don't change them. If you have a suggestion for one, contact them.
- When deleting content from a page, please either give a reason for removal in the edit summary or replace the deleted content with additional content.
- Upon uploading images, please make sure they are of high quality, without black borders and watermarks and preferably without subtitles.
- The Trivia sections should stay clear of images.
- And of course: no vandalism. This will result in an immediate permanent suspension.
Breaking an editing rule through an honest mistake will not warrant a suspension, though vandalism and continuing after having been warned will.
The ban time is at the discretion of the administrator that is banning the user. However, the ban limits are generally as follows:
Harassment/Inappropriate Behavior
The ban may vary depending on the severity of the behavior.
- First Offense - One month
- Second Offense - Three months
- Subsequent Offenses - Permanent ban
- Permanent ban
Engaging in an Edit War without Communication
The ban will be administered to the user that refuses to communicate or cooperate with the other users in the edit war.
- First Offense - One month
- Second Offense - Three months
- Subsequent Offenses - Permanent ban