Until Dawn Wiki

It's everything you described Michael.

The Old Shack is a minor location situated on Blackwood Mountain, visited by Mike and Jessica during the events of Until Dawn.


The shack is a small, run-down structure located on the Washington Estate in between the Lodge and the Guest Cabin. The building is in poor shape fully exposed to the elements and barely standing. Outside the shelter is various construction equipment including large metal piping, some steel drums, and the ramshackle scaffolding of an old lookout tower.

The shack was likely a hunter's station at some point as its interior is filled with cages, hooks, and an animal carcass. Despite its dilapidated condition, it's still receiving power from the generator shed as indicated by the flood light attached to the exterior wall.

Until Dawn[]

Chapter 3[]

Mike and Jessica continue on their journey to the isolation of the Guest Cabin. Along the winding path to the cottage, they come across the Old Shack. Jessica sarcastically remarks on her relief at finally arriving at their destination.


Mike finds the Old Mask.

While completely optional, Mike can decide to search inside the shack and come across the Old Mask. If he chooses to show the mask to Jessica, she'll be mildly creeped out by its appearance, but if he chooses to scare her with the mask, she'll tumble into the nearby creek and as a result get mad at him. Either interaction will negatively impact their relationship, from the mild decrease of the former option to the more significant consequence of the latter.



Blackwood Mountain · Blackwood Pines · Blackwood Pines Hotel · Blackwood Sanatorium · North West Mines · Washington Estate · Washington Lodge


Cable Car Station · Guest Cabin · Clifftop · Fire Tower · Old Shack · Shed
