←Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10→ |
Chapter 9, ''Despair'' / ''Karma'' takes place roughly two hours until dawn.
The player takes control of Mike as he walks through the Sanatorium, Ashley as she, Sam, and whoever is alive between Chris and Emily, make their way to the Sanatorium; Chris, if he was left behind and Sam searching for Mike. Jess also makes her first physical appearance since Chapter 4; if she is still alive at this point, waking up from her unconscious state.
The chapter opens with Mike returning to the Sanatorium. Locking the door behind him, he will walk down a messy hallway into an open area that leads upstairs. He will end up in the Chapel, with everything in a worse condition than before.
Up the stairs in this room, there will be a hole to drop down into one of the locked rooms. Mike will pick up a torch and a shotgun. On the opposite side of the main room, a door on the far right will lead outside, where Mike can find a makeshift graveyard and a Danger Totem.
After shooting the lock off the middle door, Mike will step through to reunite with the wolf from an earlier chapter. If Mike kicked him and did not give him the bone, Wolfie will only bark and run away. But if Mike befriended him, Wolfie will be here to protect Mike and guide him around the Sanatorium. With a new friend to lead the way, Mike will head outside and enter another building. Once you open the door and squeeze through, Mike will come across the remains of another wolf. The room on the left has writing scratched into the wall, and significant dents on the heavy steel door. Down the right corridor, follow the linear path through the broken wall at the end.
Towards the camera, there will be a B-Wings sign hanging above the archway. In the room to Mike's left, (right of the camera) at the end of the hall, there will be an old film reel to watch. Continuing down towards the camera, there will be a room with a Case Study Dossier, and a wooden door in this room will lead you to a corpse with a letter on his lap.
Retrace your steps to where Wolfie is waiting in the center room. As you enter, a box will fall. Don't shoot it, as it is only a rat, and a Wendigo is staring at you. As bullets don't typically hurt Wendigos, a chase will ensue. There's a choice to go Left or Straight Ahead, but Mike will end up going in to the left room no matter what. Push the cabinet in front of the door, and if Mike still has his machete, he can hit the wendigo with it. He will then run into the next room, locking the door behind him. He will have to keep still and catch the bottle from rolling off the desk.

Mike with Wolfie, deep in the Sanatorium.
Mike will then escape and continue on down a hallway, with cages full of Wendigos on either side. This scene is mostly comprised of QTE's, and options to shoot the Wendigos. Mike can kill two of them by rolling an oil barrel down the hall and shooting it.
Mike will keep going, walking down a mess of rooms, but the action isn't over yet. There will be more QTE prompts to respond to. Shoot open the door and either Barricade or Escape. Wolfie will look down at Mike, and if the door was barricaded, he will be safe, but will be killed if a Wendigo got in. But either way, Wolfie won't jump down to follow Mike.

Mike watches the Sanatorium burn.
Mike arrives at the door where two wendigos continue to pursue him. Mike can either keep shooting at them, or shoot the barrels instead and blow up the Sanatorium. The Sanatorium will be blown up either now or later. If Mike didn't shoot the barrels, a Wendigo will leap at him and the screen will go black.
At the end of this scene, if alive, a very injured Jessica will wake up at the bottom of the elevator shaft. She'll pick up a miners coat, and miner boots, if needed, and turn in fear at a screech nearby.
Character Deaths[]
- If Mike moves or allows the bottle to drop, he will be attacked, but Wolfie will jump out to rescue Mike. The Wendigo will snap his neck.
- If Mike doesn't push the barrel out or shoot it, and Mike does not have the machete, Wolfie will distract one of the Wendigos to protect Mike.
- If Mike doesn't barricade the door, Wolfie will be slaughtered by a Wendigo when he looks down at Mike.
- Makeshift Graveyard - Outside, through the hole in the wall on the far left side of the Chapel, Mike will find a Makeshift Graveyard.
- Old Film Reel - An old film reel of a patient transforming into a Wendigo when turning left to the camera and entering a small room.
- Case Study Dossier - A case study dossier of a patient transforming over time.
- Suicide Note - A suicide note from Jefferson Bragg can be found further in the room with the case study dossier.
- Mine Rescue Photo - This photo can be found around the banister of the stairs.
Original Game
- Death Totem #5 - If you didn't pick it up previously, you can find Death Totem #5 of Mike sacrificing himself while walking around the banister when you first arrive.
- Danger Totem #4 - Walking through the door on the far right of the chapel, there will be Danger Totem #4 on the left of Mike getting attacked by a Wendigo.
- Loss Totem #4 - can be found by Mike in the chapel, in the room to the left of the altar. The premonition foretells a Wendigo smashing Matt's face in.
- Death Totem #3 - can be found by Mike in the room on the left, behind the moveable room divider. The premonition foretells Mike striking his lighter, starting an explosion.
- Hunger Totem #4 - can be found by Mike in the graveyard behind the barrels, in the far left room in the chapel. The premonition shows a Wendigo chasing a deer before pouncing on it.
Sam and Ashley (and possibly Emily and/or Chris), walk through the tunnels to the Sanatorium in efforts to get to Mike in time. If Chris is alive, he'll stop to take a breather, but will continue on with the group if Ashley refuses to leave him behind.
Sam tries to push open the door, and believes Mike locked it behind him. Ashley will point out a manhole that will lead to the Sanatorium. Ashley will be the last one down, closing the manhole or making an arrow if Chris was left behind to indicate that the group went down it. When Ashley walks through the sewers, she will hear who she believes to be Jessica calling out for help.
She can choose to either investigate the voice, which is coming from a secluded and small cave, or rejoin the others by taking the tunnel path.
If Ashley chooses to investigate the voice, she will drop down into the cave where she can find a totem. The voice of Jessica can still be heard as someone, or something is slamming violently against a trapdoor. If Ashley opens the trapdoor or unlocks the latch and leaves, a Wendigo will emerge from the door and decapitate her, taking her body and head with it and causing the segment to end immediately. If she doesn't interact with the trapdoor, she can leave through another opening in the cave to rejoin the group unharmed.
Ashley simply walks away from the voice and goes through the tunnel path, rejoining the other members.
If Ashley survived to rejoin the group, they will continue until they are stopped at a dead end, a rock wall that Sam decides to climb. As the others are unable to climb the wall, Sam tells Ashley (along with Emily if alive and Chris if not left behind) to return to the lodge as she goes to find Mike herself.
Original Game
- Danger Totem #5 - Down the hallway to the manhole, going left will lead into a small alcove, where Ashley can pick up Danger Totem #5 of Josh, turning into a partially transformed Wendigo.
- Loss Totem #5 - If Ashley investigates the noise, she can pick up Loss Totem #5 of Josh having his head crushed.
- Loss Totem #6 - can be found by Ashley at the end of the tunnel. The premonition foretells Josh's head being crushed by a Wendigo.
- Fortune Totem #2 - can be found by Ashley or Chris in the cave with the trapdoor if one of them investigates the voice, on the left path of the fork. It foretells Matt outside the mine, cautiously looking back at the banging door.
Character Deaths[]
- If Ashley goes to investigate the voice she assumes is Jessica's, and opens the trapdoor or unlocks its latch, a Wendigo will pop out and decapitate her.
*Please note that the following segment will only occur for those who had Chris survive up until this point and chose to leave him behind.
If the group allowed him to stay behind, Chris later finds the energy to keep walking. He makes his way down into the sewer pipe, where Ashley had left an arrow pointing to the manhole for him.
He slumps, and continues to walk until he overhears who he assumes to be Jessica calling out for help (as also seen in Ashley's earlier segment). He can either investigate the voice in a cave, or continue to walk down the tunnel path in order to rejoin the group.
Chris will drop down into the cave, following Jessica's voice. If Ashley did not open the trapdoor, he will notice something banging on it, and if he decides to open it or unlock the latch, a Wendigo will emerge and decapitate him. Leaving it and walking ahead will lead him to another opening in the cave, where he can rejoin the others unharmed. If Ashley already opened the trapdoor, he will find her bloody beanie and a pool of blood on the floor, picking it up and mourning her death. There is no longer anything banging on the trapdoor. If he chooses to open it, he will not find the Wendigo inside like Ashley, but will close it and look up to see the Wendigo in front of him, having already escaped, and it promptly decapitates him. If he tries to leave without opening the trapdoor this time, the escaped Wendigo will grab him from the ceiling and decapitate him anyway.
Chris simply walks away from the voice on the tunnel path to rejoin the others. If Ashley opened the trapdoor previously, the Wendigo, having already escaped anyway without Chris's input, will be on the ceiling, and will grab and decapitate him. If not, Chris will keep walking and safely rejoin the group.
If Chris made it out alive to rejoin the group, he will find Ashley (who must always be alive in order for him to be alive as well at this point) and possibly Emily (if alive) standing in front of a rock wall, having reached a dead end. As seen in Ashley's segment, Sam is gone, having already started to climb the rock wall in search for Mike, while she and Emily are unable to do so and thus were told by Sam to return to the lodge. Chris tells Ashley that he heard Jessica's voice in the mines, causing Ashley to react in horror as she had heard the same thing, and the group starts back on their way to the lodge.
- Loss Totem #5 - If Chris investigates the noise, he can find Loss Totem #5 depicting Josh having his head crushed by someone.
Character Deaths[]

Chris' decapitated head
- If Chris was left behind, and Ashley dies by opening the latch, he will be decapitated regardless of any choice, whether if it's investigating the voice, opening the latch or walking past it, or simply ignoring the voice.
- If Chris was left behind, and investigates the trapdoor, while Ashley had rejoined the group, a Wendigo will pop out from the trapdoor and decapitate him.
There will be a cutscene where Sam, potentially along with Ashley, Emily and/or Chris, walk up to the dead end. Sam will tell Ashley if she is alive, or Emily if Ashley had died, or Chris if Emily and Ashley had both died, or nobody if she is alone, to return to the lodge.
After disbanding from the others, Sam will start to climb up the rock wall in front of her. Complete the set of QTEs to reach the top, where Sam can either drop down at the left, or head up a set of stairs on the right.
- If you choose to go up the stairs, a rock will fall and break the stairs behind you, rendering it impossible to turn back.
- If Sam walks straight and up more stairs, she can find a Death totem and the same kind of shrine to ward of spirits that Mike found early on.
Sam will have to turn left, where another collapse is about to occur. Complete the QTE so that Sam can have a tight grip on the railing.
- If you went up the right path, Sam will pick up a steel pipe.
- If you ignored the right path and chose to drop down, Sam will pick up a shovel and end up at a chain link door which she has to pry open with her newly-acquired shovel.
- If Mike blew up the Sanatorium, he will burst in through the heavy metal door while being attacked by a Wendigo. Sam will hit it off of him with whatever weapon she has, saving him. They will express concern for one another's safety, then head off to find Josh.
- If he didn't blow up the Sanatorium, Sam will open the metal door herself and end up outside. There will be two forks in the road. Head down the right one as it will take you over a bridge and to the gate. Here, Sam will run in to rescue Mike, and at this point, he will blow it up. They will run back to the metal door leading to the mines and start to look for Josh.
Original Game
- Death Totem #6 - If Sam goes up the stairs on the right (after climbing the wall), and continues to head straight, she can find Death Totem #6 of her being impaled, by a Wendigo (Hannah) in the lodge.
- Death Totem #6 - can be found by Sam after she climbs the cavern wall, on the path to the left. It foretells Sam being grabbed by a Wendigo as she is killed.
- Hunger Totem #5 - can be found by Sam to the left of the stalagmite cave exit. The premonition shows a Wendigo dragging Jessica through the snow as she tries to escape.
- This chapter's title depends on the second choice in Dr. Hill's eighth therapy session.
- If you choose "It was just a game" or "They need to change" (the latter only in the remake), you'll get Karma.
- If you choose "I'm so sorry", you'll get Despair.
- This marks Jessica's first appearance since Chapter 4.
- Not being quick enough in decisions will cause Mike to be attacked, and the screen to go black, but he cannot actually die in this part.
- This chapter has a total of 11 collectibles able to be found.
- Two of them can be found in Chapter 5.
- With the repeated clues, this chapter has the fourth most number of collectibles able to be found.