←Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8→ |
Chapter 7, ''Loss'' / ''Violence'' takes place roughly four hours until dawn.
The player takes control of Sam as she begins to know more about The Psycho, Emily as she explores the mines, and Chris as he and Mike question Josh's motives.
The chapter will open with Sam, a while after her encounter with The Psycho.
- If she was not captured previously, she'll escape out of an air vent to the Psycho's workshop. She will then explore the workshop and can find various clues leading up to his identity.
- If she was captured, she will wake up tied up in a spinning chair. Sam will move the chair over to Mike and he will free her from her bonds using a machete or a lighter.
She will then talk to Mike through a wall grate. Sam then opens the door for Mike and reunites with him.
After getting changed into regular clothes, Sam and Mike burst through the basement door and find the Psycho approaching Chris and Ashley, as Chris fires a few shots. The Psycho asks Chris if he's ever heard of blanks and takes off his mask, revealing himself to be Josh all along.
View the chapter's transcript here.
All of the following clues can only be found if Sam had not been caught by the Psycho in Chapter 5.
- Death Machine Plans - This can be found in the basement by Sam on the bulletin board.
- Psychiatric Report - This can be found in the basement by Sam in the desk drawers.
- Josh's Cellphone - This can be found in the basement by Sam on the shelf.
- Remembrance Board - This can be found in the basement by Sam, on the wall behind cardboard boxes.
- Voice Recording -This can be found in the basement by Sam by the staircase.
- Dummy in Sam's Clothes - This can be found in the basement by Sam.
The following clue can be found regardless if Sam had been captured or not:
- Video Camera - This can be found in the basement by Sam near the dummy.
Emily, having survived her fall by a rope that caught her ankle, swings over to a ladder, making the rope snap. As she lands onto the ground, the rest of the tower begins to crumble down, with debris injuring her knee as she backs away. She finds herself in an abandoned mineshaft, and uses a piece of her shirt to make a torch when starting to explore the mines.
In the mines, Emily will hear multiple Wendigo screeches.
She will attempt to use an elevator, only to find out that it is broken. She will climb up a ladder in order to get the electricity working, but it will break and drop her further into the mines. As Emily gets up, she will take out her phone as a flashlight and see several skulls on a stick.

Emily going up the elevator.
Disgusted, Emily will continue down the path and break through a barrier. After she climbs up another ladder, Emily continues to walk further into the mines. Her phone will run out of battery and she will notice a flamethrower being used. Emily will then pick up the torch she used earlier and wander deeper into the mines.
When exiting a cave, she'll soon notice a rockslide. After a failed attempt to get up the rockslide, Emily may find multiple clues in the Twins Clueline, and discover the truth about Hannah's survival and Beth's death after falling down. She may be shocked upon finding Beth's severed head. If Matt died by falling off the cliff, Emily can find his shoe and will become notably confused.
She then uses the elevator. As she gets out of the elevator, Emily will notice The Stranger coming her way, and hide. Eventually, she'll run away and can choose to turn back or hide, but regardless of her choice, she will get caught.
- Miner Photo - Emily can find a photograph of several miners in a chest.
- Clocking-In Machine - Emily can find a clocking-in machine near the elevator.
- Miner's Family Photo - Emily can find a photograph of Billy Bates and his family in a chest.
- Tattoo Photo - Emily can find a photograph of Hannah showing off her tattoo on a barrel after the icy slope.
- Hannah's Glasses - Emily can find Hannah's glasses to the right of the icy slope.
- Marks on Rock - Emily can find marks on a rock next to the wooden planks with Hannah's glasses.
- Beth's Cross - Emily can find Beth's cross turning right after the icy slope.
- Hannah's Locket - Emily can find Hannah's locket on a barrel near the elevator.
- Beth's Head - Emily can find Beth's severed head in the foreground after pushing a fence to the side.
Original Game
- Death Totem #5 - Emily can find Death Totem #5 near a ladder in the mines, which depicts her being shot in the eye.
- Danger Totem #3 - Emily can find Danger Totem #3 near a rope, which depicts a Wendigo reaching for Mike through bars.
- Loss Totem #3 - can be found by Emily at the end of the tracks behind the movable mine cart. It foretells The Stranger being killed as Chris watches in the distance.
- Death Totem #5 - can be found by Emily after she climbs the cavern wall, on the left path of the fork. The premonition foretells her getting shot in the eye.
After revealing himself as The Psycho, Josh will laugh as the other survivors watch in dismay. Josh will reveal his motives originate from what the group did to his sisters a year ago.
Josh had faked his death and controlled the “supernatural” events that had happened. After Josh tells the group they’ll all be internet sensations, Mike gets angered and will mention Jessica's death, thinking Josh killed her. He then punches him, thus making him unconscious.
Later, Mike and Chris are dragging a tied up Josh to the shed.
- If Josh punched Ashley, because she had stabbed him with the scissors, Chris will punch him in return.
When arriving at the shed, Mike will then tie Josh up in a chair.
- If Chris chose to save Ashley in the saw trap and did not shoot her in the gun trap, Josh will tease Chris about her and antagonize him. If not, he will only be bitter towards Mike.
- If Chris did not try to save Josh in the saw trap and shot Ashley in the gun trap, Josh will mock him for it, saying shooting a girl in the face is no way to treat a lady.
Josh will also question what happened to Jessica, and will tease Mike about her which leads Mike to pointing a gun at Josh. Chris can either disarm Mike or hit Josh.
- If Chris hits Josh, he’ll be knocked unconscious again. Mike will be upset, stating he was just trying to scare him. This results in Chris later explaining he hit Josh in the head in the lodge and during the credits, and will make Mike refuse to give Chris the gun during The Stranger's arrival.
- If Chris disarms Mike, Mike will be seemingly annoyed at the thought of Chris thinking he would actually shoot Josh.
- If the player does nothing, Josh will make fun of Mike and ask him if he really had expected him to believe that he would shoot him.
Regardless, Chris will turn back to the lodge and leave Mike to guard Josh in the shed.
- The chapter's title depends on whether or not Ashley stabs The Psycho with the scissors in Chapter 6.
- You get Violence if Ashley stabbed The Psycho.
- You get Loss if Ashley didn't stab The Psycho.
- The beginning of the chapter takes place before the segment with Emily, despite Emily's segment in the mines taking place first chronologically.
- This chapter has a total of 18 collectibles able to be found.
- Possibly tied with Chapter 2 without DLC, they are both tied for the 2nd number of collectibles.