Until Dawn Wiki
Until Dawn Wiki
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

Chapter 4, ''Loyalty'' / ''Malevolence'' takes place roughly seven hours until dawn.

The chapter starts after Jessica had been pulled out of a window during the previous chapter. The player takes control of Mike pursuing her, and Chris as he searches for Ashley.


Mike grabs the rifle off of the wall in the guest cabin and begins to chase after Jessica.

Mike jumps on pieces of tubing through QTE prompts to get through part of a river. Missing one will result in Mike stumbling off one of the tubes, and accumulates an unclear number of Fails

Mike runs down a lengthy path to the right of the stream, and accumulates 3 Fails

He will reach a cliff and use the scope on the rifle he picks up to see Jessica being dragged away by a creature. Mike can choose to go around the cliff or jump down from it.

Mike slides down the cliff and must grab onto a branch to slow his fall with a QTE. Missing the QTE will accumulate 1 Fail.

Mike runs to a nearby ledge and slowly climbs down it, and accumulates 1 Fail.

He begins to run in the direction Jessica was dragged and must hit 4 QTEs to avoid stumbling in the process. Missing each QTE accumulates 1 Fail. Soon he comes across a ledge and must choose between shimmying across to the other side or jumping across.

Mike jumps across the ledge by hitting two QTEs. Missing each QTE accumulates 1 Fail.

Mike shimmies across the ledge to the other side, and accumulates 2 Fails.

He comes across an overpass overlooking the mines and can choose whether or not to follow the path again or risk the slide down.

Mike slides down to the mines and must hit several QTEs on the way down. Missing any QTE will accumulate 1 Fail.

Mike finds and uses a staircase leading down to the mines, and accumulates 1 Fail.

Mike will make his way into the mines. If he has accumulated 4 or less Fails, he will find Jessica barely alive on the elevator shaft. Otherwise, he will find Jessica with her jaw ripped off, dead (jaw attached but dead in the Japanese version). Either way, the elevator shaft will drop, taking Jessica with it.


View the chapter's transcript here.

View the therapy session after the chapter here.

Character Deaths[]


  • If Mike chooses to follow the safe path or isn't quick enough (not hitting the QTEs) in finding Jessica, she will have her jaw ripped off by the Wendigo. To Save Jessica Follow The Quick Path. Note that even if you hit all the QTE, simply choosing the safe paths at the 1st and 3rd choices will accumulate 5 Fails and result in her death.



Original Game

  • Guidance Totem #4 - After going down the stairs in the mines, Mike can find Guidance Totem #4, showing him petting a wolf.


  • Fortune Totem #4 - can be found by Mike by the stairs in the mines. The premonition foretells Matt recovering in the mines with a flare gun shell near him.


After the elevator collapses, Mike can shoot at an unidentified figure. He will then proceed to chase after Jessica's alleged attacker, leaving behind the electrical lantern from the cabin.

During his chase, Mike notices The Stranger walking by. Thinking it is Jessica's persecutor, he will attempt to shoot him, only to find out that the rifle is out of bullets, or jammed if he didn't shoot it before.

Mike will continue to chase after him, and depending on the player's choices, he will either make it through the closing door or it will close on him.

Regardless, he will find a lantern and will light it up with the lighter. Mike makes his way out of the mines and will see the Sanatorium in the distance.




  • Hunger Totem #2 - can be found by Mike to the left of the mine exit. The premonition shows a person wandering in the mines, then collapsing as their vision shifts from human to a Wendigo's.


Chris wakes up in the kitchen of the lodge and begins searching for Ashley. He walks through the lodge and becomes concerned when he finds Ashley's bloodied coin purse and a large blood stain on the wall. Chris exits the lodge, and walks towards the lodge's shed.

As he enters, he hears Ashley quietly crying and calling out for him. He follows her voice, until he sees her and Josh tied up against a wall with a rusty saw blade pointing towards them.

Chris hears The Psycho telling him that he can only choose to save one of them. The saw activates, and both Ashley and Josh start pleading to Chris to keep them alive.

  • Regardless of which option Chris chooses, the lever will automatically switch to Josh's side, and he will be sawed in half. 

As Ashley and Chris are leaving, they run into Matt and Emily, and in panic, tell them that Josh is dead. Emily will start to maneuver the group to get help and suggests to get the rest of the group together. Emily and Matt then proceed to go get help, while Chris and Ashley look for Sam at the lodge.



  • Pig's Head - While going to the shed, take the left route and Chris can find a pig's head.


Original Game

  • Death Totem #4 - At the same place where Chris finds a pig's head, he can also find Death Totem #4 showing himself getting hung up by a screeching creature.
  • Loss Totem #3 - Before entering the shed, go to the right. At the dead end, Chris can find Loss Totem #3, showing Ashley's decapitated head fall and roll on the ground.


  • Death Totem #4 - Death Totem #4 can be found by Chris on the open ground to the right of the trail to the shed. The premonition foretells him getting grabbed and killed from the ceiling in the mines.


  • This chapter's title depends on the player's last choice in Dr. Hill's fourth therapy session.
    • To obtain Loyalty the player must say he/she disliked Sam, Emily, Matt, or Jessica the most.
    • To obtain Malevolence, the player must say he/she disliked Josh, Chris, Ashley, or Mike the most.
  • This chapter is the first chapter in which a protagonist can die.
  • This chapter has a total of 4 collectibles able to be found.
    • Excluding the Prologue, this chapter has the second least number of collectibles.
Chapter 1: Friendship/Memento Mori Chapter 2: Darkness/Jealousy Chapter 3: Haunted/Isolation Chapter 4: Loyalty/Malevolence Chapter 5:
Chapter 6: Psychosis/Vengeance Chapter 7: Loss/Violence Chapter 8: Animus/Revelation Chapter 9: Despair/Karma Chapter 10: Repentance/Resolution